Hi, I’m Kestral. I care deeply about free and open infrastructure, fundamental human rights, and privacy as a basic building block of the world around us.
I’m a tech enthusiast, software ethicist, author, lecturer, demoscener, playwright, researcher, and advocate. Blending code with compassion, stories with impact, and food with other, tastier food. Attempting to make the digital world more human, one step at a time.
In a workplace setting I focus on tech ops and cross-functional technology leadership. I tend to limit my workplace-related networking to LinkedIn.
If you want to reach out, please do so on the Fediverse. I always love making new friends!
Recent Updates
- Built a custom comments page and styling for posts. Now you can share your thoughts!
- Edited the RSS feed to show whole posts rather than truncating.
- Added a hit counter to the home page like it’s 1994.
- Migrated website to new platform. I’ve written a blog post about that here.
- Bought a new domain name, which involved learning some Algerian.